2527-5389 / 5392 / 5059 / 5036

Vision & Mission

The Vision of the college is to make available affordable higher education to the socially and economically deprived sections of the society who are mostly first generation learners. The college envisions catering to the special learning needs of the weaker and the underprivileged sections of the society with a special focus on the female students. The Mission of the college, in tandem with its vision, is to provide its students a holistic guidance in the field of academics, career opportunities and extracurricular activities so that they grow to their full potential. Since most of our students are first generation learners and belong to the economically unprivileged section of the population, our mission is to train and guide them towards the path of a prosperous career and financial independence. The college also strives towards making a significant contribution towards the development of the community through various social service programmes that are undertaken for the benefit of the local community. The mission of the college also encompasses the development of the personality of its students to their full potential so that they can contribute towards the development of the nation.
Notice Board
  • Examination Rotine Semester II & IV.pdf
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  • Duty Allotment for Admission Physical Verification 26.07.2024
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  • Examination Form fill-up Semester II, IV & Vi
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  • Revised Routine of NEP, Semester 1, 2024
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  • Electoral Literacy Club March, 2024
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  • Semester 1 Examination Routine (CBCS)
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  • Merit List for ICSSR Funded Minor Research Project – Field Investigator Selection
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  • Extension of Semester I Examination Form Fill-up.
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  • Employment Notification, 2024 (Field Investigator)
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  • Prize distribution_ Annual Sports 2023-24
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  • Revised Routine of Semester-V
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  • Awareness cum Orientation programmee for Civil Service
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  • পৌষ সংক্রান্তি
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  • Examination Routine of Semester III and V
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  • Form fill up in Semester I, 2023-24
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  • Anuual Sports 2023-24
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  • Routine of Commerce for Internal examination, 2023
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  • Semester I & III Internal Examination routine, 2023
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  • Admission -Registration 2023
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  • Inter College Sports Championship 2023-24
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  • Sensitization programme on Anti -ragging
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  • Second Semester (II) AECC ( MIL- Bengali) Examination, 2023
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  • Extension Date of form fill in Semester II & IV
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  • Notice for Admit Card Correction of Semester II & IV, 2023
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  • Verification notice 2023-24 3rd Phase
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  • Commencement of Semester I Class
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  • Verification related documents (2nd phase)
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  • Semester IV Examination form fill up 2023
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  • Admission related Document Verification
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  • Student Credit Card(SCC) Scheme Awareness Programme
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  • Semester I Orientation Programmee for 2023-24
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  • Camp on Student Credit Card
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  • Commencement of Semester I classes
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  • 10th Kanyashree Day celebration on 8 & 9 August, 2023
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  • 2nd Merit Panel
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  • Revised Exam Routine of SEM VI, 2023
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  • VI SEM Exam Routine, 2023
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  • 1st Merit panel for admission
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  • Internal Examination, 2023, SEM-II, IV & VI
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  • Rescheduled 1st semester examination, 2023
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  • Change of Semester-I Examination Schedule
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  • Examination Schedule of Semester -I (2023)
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  • Basanta Utsav on 3rd March, 2023
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  • Reexamination of Semester V, 2023
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  • Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) by NAAC
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  • Semester V Examination routine, 2022-23
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  • Examination form fill-in of Semester V, 2022-23
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  • Notice on Annual Sports, 2022-23
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  • Filing in Of Examination Forms Semester III
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