2527-5389 / 5392 / 5059 / 5036

IQAC Committee

1.      Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) 1. Dr. Sunil Kr. Biswas - Principal, Chairperson   2. Sri Swapan Kr. Giri - Burser, Associate Professor   3. Dr. Angana Deb - Coordinator, Assistant Professor   4. Dr. Aparna Mandal - Assistant Professor   5. Dr. Samik Sen - Assistant Professor   6. Dr. Malay Das - Assistant Professor   7. Dr. Sanjit Pal - Assistant Professor   8. Dr. Touhid Hossain - Assistant Professor   9. Dr. Indrani Ghosh - Assistant Professor   10. SmtJhumurBhunia, Librarian, Administrative Officer   11. Dr. Pratip Chowdhury - Academician, stakeholder   12. Sri Prabir Saha - Chief Administrator, New Barrackpore Municipality, Member from Local Community   13. Sri Bidhan Chandra Mandal - GB member, Representative from management   14. Barun Kumar Chakraborty, NTS   15. Ms. Srimanti Das - Representative from Alumni (Nominated by Principal)   16. Mr. SousthabShil - Representative from students (Nominated by Principal).
Notice Board
  • Examination Rotine Semester II & IV.pdf
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  • Duty Allotment for Admission Physical Verification 26.07.2024
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  • Examination Form fill-up Semester II, IV & Vi
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  • Revised Routine of NEP, Semester 1, 2024
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  • Electoral Literacy Club March, 2024
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  • Semester 1 Examination Routine (CBCS)
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  • Merit List for ICSSR Funded Minor Research Project – Field Investigator Selection
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  • Extension of Semester I Examination Form Fill-up.
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  • Employment Notification, 2024 (Field Investigator)
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  • Prize distribution_ Annual Sports 2023-24
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  • Revised Routine of Semester-V
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  • Awareness cum Orientation programmee for Civil Service
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  • পৌষ সংক্রান্তি
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  • Examination Routine of Semester III and V
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  • Form fill up in Semester I, 2023-24
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  • Anuual Sports 2023-24
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  • Routine of Commerce for Internal examination, 2023
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  • Semester I & III Internal Examination routine, 2023
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  • Admission -Registration 2023
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  • Inter College Sports Championship 2023-24
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  • Sensitization programme on Anti -ragging
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  • Second Semester (II) AECC ( MIL- Bengali) Examination, 2023
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  • Extension Date of form fill in Semester II & IV
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  • Notice for Admit Card Correction of Semester II & IV, 2023
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  • Verification notice 2023-24 3rd Phase
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  • Commencement of Semester I Class
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  • Verification related documents (2nd phase)
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  • Semester IV Examination form fill up 2023
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  • Admission related Document Verification
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  • Student Credit Card(SCC) Scheme Awareness Programme
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  • Semester I Orientation Programmee for 2023-24
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  • Camp on Student Credit Card
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  • Commencement of Semester I classes
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  • 10th Kanyashree Day celebration on 8 & 9 August, 2023
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  • 2nd Merit Panel
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  • Revised Exam Routine of SEM VI, 2023
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  • VI SEM Exam Routine, 2023
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  • 1st Merit panel for admission
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  • Internal Examination, 2023, SEM-II, IV & VI
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  • Rescheduled 1st semester examination, 2023
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  • Change of Semester-I Examination Schedule
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  • Examination Schedule of Semester -I (2023)
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  • Basanta Utsav on 3rd March, 2023
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  • Reexamination of Semester V, 2023
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  • Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) by NAAC
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  • Semester V Examination routine, 2022-23
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  • Examination form fill-in of Semester V, 2022-23
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  • Notice on Annual Sports, 2022-23
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  • Filing in Of Examination Forms Semester III
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