Quality Initiative of IQAC
IQAC achieves this through the following practices,
The college Learning Management System (LMS) was introduced by the IQAC to
provide and track learning resources to students. It enables communication of
academic plans, lecture notes, video lessons etc.
During the pandemic, the IQAC ensured through the Academic Committee that
regular classes are not hampered and online live classes were conducted through
google -meet and zoom.
Students are in constant touch with the college and the academic body through the
Mentor-mentee system which is very much active and effective in the college.
The college has subscribed G-suit for online classes, which had been extremely
effective in continuing teaching-learning during the pandemic.
IQAC has taken initiatives to set up smart classrooms with projectors and to ensure
that teachers use ICT tools of teaching whenever necessary and applicable.
Add-on courses are regularly organized by various departments under the supervision
of the IQAC.
The Internal and external examinations are conducted as per the WBSU norms.
During the pandemic, an online evaluation process was developed through which
Online examinations were taken for internal as well as University examinations.
Students can download question papers uploaded by the University and college
teachers, write the answers and upload the scripts either through emails or through
Google form. The teachers check the scripts online and evaluation is made.
IQAC organizes workshops to train teachers, librarians and non-teaching staff in
developing their skills in classroom pedagogy and contemporary online library
facilities like NLIST.
The IQAC has developed a mechanism of collecting feedback from stakeholders like
students, parents, staff and alumni to facilitate teaching-learning reforms. This helps
in obtaining an unbiased and honest opinion about institutional performance
especially in academics.
The IQAC organized seminars and workshops for students and encouraged the
students to prepare their project presentations using power-point slides in addition
to completion of their assignments and class tests.